EWRE (Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Ltd.) is a consulting firm based in Haifa,
Established in 1992 and since then it provides services in the fields of water resources
management, pollution control, computational hydrology, risk assessment surveys, R&D projects in
hydrology, hydrology, hydro-information and other environmental issues.
Fields of Expertise

* water resources management
* pollution control
* computational hydrology
* risk assessment surveys
* R&D projects in hydrology
* hydrology
* hydro-information
* other environmental issues

About us

EWRE (Environmental and Water Resources Engineering Ltd.) is a consulting firm based in Haifa,
Established in 1992 and since then it provides services in the fields of water resources management,
pollution control, computational hydrology, risk assessment surveys, R&D projects in hydrology,
hydrology, hydro-information and other environmental issues.